75 Items You May Be Able to Deduct from Your Taxes

Life is expensive, from business expenses to personal expenses to paying Uncle Sam on April 15. Wherever you go, it may seem like your wallet is open. One way to save money each year is to find legitimate tax write-offs that intersect both personal and business expenses.

Everywhere I go, even when I' m at dinner with friends, I constantly am asked the question: " So, what can I write off my taxes?"

Surprisingly, there isn' t some master list included in the Internal Revenue Code or provided by the Internal Revenue Service. There is simply the tax principle set forth in Code Section 62 that states a valid write-off is any expense incurred in the production of income. Each deduction then has its own rules.

A good TAX PREPARER should be teaching their clients to think above the line -- that is, your Adjusted Gross Income line. Your AGI is the number in the bottom right-hand corner on the front page of your tax return. Any tax return. And what I mean by thinking above this line is constantly trying to think of any and all personal expenses that may have a business purpose. With a small-business venture in your life and on your tax return, you may be able to convert some personal expenses to business expenses, as long as you have the proper business purpose for that expense.

Seasoned business owners become proficient over the years at keeping good records and realizing when expenses have a legitimate business purpose. For some, this thought process becomes so ingrained that it becomes almost impossible to buy something without first considering a tax purpose for that item or service.

Consult this list of 75 possible tax deductions for business owners. It' s just a start and not every one of these items is always a legitimate deduction. For example, you may be able to deduct entertainment expenses, but only when entertaining a client, customer or employee, while also meeting particular IRS rules. Some deductions may only cover a percentage of your expenses, like the aforementioned dinner with clients (usually 50 percent) or the home-office deduction, which is based on the square footage of your office. When documenting, go beyond collecting receipts. If you hire your teenager as an employee, document his or her duties and hours. On parking and toll receipts, write your destination and business reason for the road trip.

You should track every business expense and comb over them with your TAX PREPARER at the end of the year to ensure you only take legitimate deductions, both to minimize your risk of audit and to have the documentation in place in case the IRS ever comes knocking.

Possible Deductions for Taxes

Accounting fees Advertising Amortization Auto expenses

Bad debts that you cannot collect Banking fees

Board meetings

Building repairs and maintenance Business association membership dues Business travel

Cafeteria health-insurance plan (requires plan)
Charitable deductions made for a business purpose Cleaning/janitorial services

Collection Expenses Commissions to outside parties Computers and tech supplies Consulting fees

Continuing education for yourself to maintain licensing and improve skills l Conventions and trade shows

Costs of goods sold

Credit card convenience fees Depreciation Dining during business travel Discounts to customers

Education and training for employees (new) Employee wages

Entertainment for customers and clients Equipment

Equipment repairs Exhibits for publicity Family members' wages
Franchise fees (new) Freight or shipping costs Furniture or fixtures

Gifts for customers ($25 deduction limit for each) Group insurance (if qualifying)

Health insurance Home office Interest

Internet hosting and services Investment advice and fees Legal fees

License fees Losses due to theft

Management fees Materials Maintenance

Medical expenses (with plan) Mortgage interest on business property Moving

Newspapers and magazines
Office supplies and expenses Outside services

Payroll taxes for employees, including Social Security, Medicare taxes and
unemployment taxes

Parking and tolls
Pension plans Postage Publicity

Prizes for contests

Real estate-related expenses Rebates on sales


Research and development Retirement plans Royalties

Safe-deposit box Safe

Software and online services Storage rental Subcontractors

Taxes Telephone Utilities Website design

Workers' compensation insurance