Employers Providing Self-Insured Health Coverage Must Report on Information Returns

This tax tip is updated to clarify that self-insured employers that are not applicable large employers, those with fewer than 50 full-time or full-time equivalent employees in the preceding calendar year, should file Form 1095-B. Self-insured employers that are applicable large employers should report health coverage information on Form 1095-C. This tip does not apply to information reporting on health care coverage of individuals who are not employees or entitled to coverage because of a relationship to an employee.

All providers of health coverage, including employers that provide self-insured coverage, must file annual returns with the IRS reporting information about the coverage and about each covered individual. Insurance Companies must report on coverage under employer plans that are insured.

Employers should report this information on Forms 1094-B and 1095-B or on Forms 1094-C and 1095- C, depending on whether the employer is an applicable large employer for purposes of the employer shared responsibility provisions. Anapplicable large employer is generally defined as an employer that employed an average of at least 50 full-time employees – including full-time equivalent employees – in the preceding calendar year. `

As coverage providers, employers providing self-insured coverage that are not applicable large employers must:

For more information, see Questions and Answers on Information Reporting by Health Coverage Providers on IRS.gov/aca. Employers who provide self-insured coverage should review Publication 5215, Responsibilities for Health Coverage Providers. Applicable large employers should

review Publication 5196, Reporting Requirements for Applicable Large Employers.